Common Things Ladies lie About

There are some things that women always like to keep it to themselves. Like men, women too have secrets. When asked something personal, a woman might end up lying. There are some topics rather things on which women always lie. These are simple things that every woman lies about. Be it her age, figure details, weight or ideologies. Almost every woman hides about her age. If you ask the age of a woman, she will either get angry or lie to you. Similarly, there are other things that women always lie about. For example, a woman will always lie about her breasts size. Even if she is wearing a 32 C, she will always tell that she is wearing 36 A. these lies are one of the ways to boost themselves and also to appear perfect in front of others.Although a woman will lie about such things, she will never accept. For example, if you say that a woman is die hard romantic and cries over romantic movies, she will deny it. Women do not like being called typical and to