Woman commits suicide due to suffering from uncontrollable orgasms

A woman who suffered from a
debilitating condition where she had
constant, uncontrollable orgasms has
committed suicide after years of
battling her affliction.
Gretchen Molannen, 39, was found
dead in her home in Spring Hill,
Florida, over the weekend from an
apparent suicide.
She had suffered from persistent
genital arousal disorder (PGAD) for
more than a decade-and-a-half.
One of the only forms of relief came
from masturbating for hours on end,
something that Ms Molannen, a
Lutheran, found as a point of shame.
Though she had aspirations of working
as a translator as she is fluent in
French, German and Spanish, her
condition meant that she had to take
odd jobs, because she had to deal with
the physical demands of PGAD.
But, having to relieve herself almost
constantly, she stopped working in 1999 and started
spending most of the time in her
bedroom with her vibrator.
'I was terrified,' she said. 'I couldn't get
unaroused. I didn't know what to do.'
Her distress over the condition made
her attempt suicide three times in the
past year.
'I know that God wants more out of my
life than having me testing out suicide
methods, constantly crying and
abusing myself,' she said.
She tragically revealed to the paper
she had been molested for years by a
neighbor, who said she was being
punished for being bad. She wondered
if that had anything to do with it?
'I noticed something wasn't right any
more but thought maybe I'll grow out
of it. So I waited and waited - its been
almost 16 years and I'm still waiting.'
Describing the orgasms she
experiences, she said: 'All the feelings
that people have when they are
aroused, they're there. The genital
congestion, throbbing pulsating, heart
pounding, it's all there but the
difference is tremendous anxiety -
anxiety which is devastating and
'I try to tell myself it's not real and just
ignore it. Sometimes I can resist it and
sometimes I just can't.'
Breaking down in tears she told the
Times: 'I had no idea other people were
going through this
'I wish I could have told my mom, and
even my dad about it. I wish I could
have told my parents' friends I wasn't
in my room wasting my life away.'
The paper found her after she posted
an ad on Craigslist seeking help at the
beginning of the year. She wanted
someone to give her a free MRI scan so
she could prove her condition to a
Tragically, after the story was
published - and after she had
committed suicide - a number of
people reached out to the paper to
offer their help.
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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