How to make Distinctions or First Class in Higher Institutions

Every serious student that gains
admission into tertiary institutions has
the aim of graduating with a first
class/distinction degree but the reality
shows that the number of first class
students in Nigeria's tertiary institutions
is on the decline. Nigeria Education
Portal ® gives steps which if diligently
followed will enable every student who
aspires to make a first class in school
to do so with ease.
1) Get serious from the first day
It is common for students to get
carried away with the euphoria of
gaining admission into higher institution
that they forget the major reason why
they are in school. It is essential to
start building your grade point from
the first day so as to avoid playing
catch up afterwards.
2) Attend Lectures
While attending lectures may not be so
important in your first year in school
as most courses are what you must
have already learnt previously in your
secondary school and the large number
of students in lecture rooms in your
first year may not make attending
lectures enticing however after your
first year, attending lectures must be a
priority, this is enable you mark
attendance in class which may be the
difference between an A or a B, pick
salient points which the lecturer may
mention in class and to pick
instructions and tips which lecturers
usually give in class.
3) Understand your Lecturer(s)
As all human beings differ in various
characteristics so do your lecturers
differ in the way they want things to
be done. While some may prefer you
to understand their notes only, others
may prefer you to research more on
your own after giving you notes,
others may depend solely on past
questions and so on. It is very
essential to understand each lecturer
who comes to lecture you. This might
be done by seeking advice from
students who have taken courses
taught by the lecturer.
4) Don't build serious relationships
with the opposite sex
It is very essential to keep only
platonic relationships with the opposite
sex while in school. This might be
very difficult especially if you are a
pretty lady or a handsome guy but the
truth is if you keep any serious
relationships, it will eat out of your
valuable time you would have spent
5) Learn to study
This usually is the most difficult part of
a student's life as different distractions
exist in the higher institution but
unfortunately this is the most important
step on your way to making a first
class in school. While most students
are fond of deceiving themselves by
either sleeping and waking in the
library without actually studying, it is
very essential to give at least 2 quality
hours studying every day.
6) Rub mind with others
No man is an island, no matter how
hard you study you can never know it
all, there will still be some few things
which you still would not know but
someone else's could help you with and
save you a lot of time trying to
decipher how to go about the problem.
7) Put God first
Always remember that God is the
owner of all knowledge and gives only
to those who he wishes to. Learn to
always put God first before every
lecture, test or exam. He is the only
one who can see you through.


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